Nerdful Things – Where’s Wally Jigsaw – The Railway Station

It would be remiss of me if I failed to mention our first jigsaw puzzle that we completed as a couple. When we bought our original WASGIJ? puzzle, we also bought a ‘Where’s Wally?’ one too. We started off with Wally’s adventure at ‘The Train Station’.
I didn’t take a picture of it upon completion so I quickly put it back together today so I could grab one. As well as being our first puzzle, it’s our first one that I’ve completed again.
The puzzle itself is pretty decent. The only gripe is that, once laid, if you need to move it slightly to accommodate other pieces or to close gaps it doesn’t seem to like it. When shifting rows up or down or laterally, the pieces bunch up or detach becoming a bit of a pain when trying to neaten it up or re-arrange.
Despite that minor peeve, the puzzle itself has all the elements I recall from watching the animated series complete with some comical event(s).
Out of all our puzzles, this one has the least pieces so far, coming in at 250 pieces. All in all it should take less than an hour to complete without distractions (the kids kept coming over and re-arranging pieces or trying to “help”).

The completed item…
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