The BlogFather – Coco and a Series of Unfortunate Events
This isn’t a film or TV review. Yesterday is a bit of a blur now but the irony/coincidence, or whatever you want to call it, will always be remembered. I finished work at 5pm...
This isn’t a film or TV review. Yesterday is a bit of a blur now but the irony/coincidence, or whatever you want to call it, will always be remembered. I finished work at 5pm...
It feels odd posting about Pokémon Go. Everyone went nuts when it launched. Myself and Seren included. I was banned from it because of supposed cheating despite me being one of the few people I...
My wife, our three girls and myself went to see the Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs panto today and it was brilliant! After a rocky start to the day – overnight snow potentially...
Growing up, I never really knew or understood tragedy on a greater scale. I had seen my own share of pain and family tragedy but it wasn’t until I was eleven when I saw...
The title of my site may throw you but, thanks to freedom of movement, I’m a Scotsman living in South Wales. I’ve lived down here in Merthyr Tydfil for almost thirteen years. It’s natural...
For the last few days, we have passed a billboard which is perched by one of the exits from our street with the ‘Nashville Hot’ burger depicting a sumptuous offering of chicken. I can’t...
I was thinking about this the other night and thought I’d share this in case anyone else had some quirky experiences. Seren, who is almost nine this year, was a very big learning curve...
I read something online a while ago when battling “writer’s block” that said to read. Reading enhances the creative flow and may give bursts of inspiration. It seemed like sound advice. It’s not encouraging...
I’m gonna start off with a bit of a disclaimer here:- I have no ill feelings towards single parents, no aspersions or prejudices towards them. I’m a product of a broken family and know...
Our final day in London. We knew it’d be a tough day as we would have to lug all our stuff around London. We started the day a bit later than day 2. I...