Nerdful Things – Playstation Now

I can’t remember when I made use of my seven day free trial of Sony’s game streaming service.  But, I do remember the game lineup was pretty weak.  I think I played one or two of the Sonic the Hedgehog titles and some of the early TellTale games (Jurassic Park and Sam & Max) and then my trial was up.  I wasn’t impressed.  It didn’t help that my ADSL/WiFi was up to the challenge, mind.

So, I decided to bite the bullet and try it out again.  As well as a larger database to choose from, my internet has been upgraded to fibre since our last flirtation and I have re-jigged my home network – using TP-Link Home Plugs and wiring in as many devices as I can to reduce the amount of traffic/interference over Wi-Fi.  The kids’ and my PS4 consoles are hardwired and the data speeds/connection are close to perfect.  And PS Now streams lovely.

What sold me on it?  Fallout 3.  Inarguably the best Fallout game.  New Vegas isn’t far behind but Fallout 4 just doesn’t do it for me.  I found I didn’t care about the story nor the characters.  Graphically, the games look like ass.  But, Fallout 3 had a vibe to it that 4 couldn’t replicate for me.  I loved exploring the Wasteland (and still do, despite having done so countless times now).  I gave a shit about my choices and my actions.

Speaking of wastelands, I never played Rage before but I’ll have a piece about that up at some point too.

I still would love to see PS Now included in PS+ or at least heavily discounted for subscribers.  That being said, the lineup is much stronger and I can only hope little/no titles get removed and the library expands month-on-month.  I have a sneaking suspicion that PS Now may have the plug pulled, though.  PS Now used to be available on a plethora of devices like the Vita, Sony Bravia TVs but Sony ceased support of other devices and PS Now is only available on PS4 consoles and Windows.

I may be talking out my arse here but Sony don’t really seem to boast about any new additions to PS Now.  Unlike their monthly PS+ announcements, I don’t see many posts regarding any updates for the service.  It’s very much like a lot of the things Sony have that don’t quite take off – they don’t talk about it; almost as if it’s the hideously disfigured bastard child kept in the basement.

As it stands, I am pretty impressed overall in PS Now considering I used it in the earlier stages – fibre broadband is certainly a must to avoid disruption – a bad connection will eventually result in the app telling you how shit your connection is and proceeds to give you a countdown before it automatically closes.

I am disappointed with the fact Fallout 3 doesn’t have the DLC and some titles only have parts available – Tales From the Borderlands and The Walking Dead Season 2 only have two episodes available to play meaning your quest for those platinum trophies hits an invisible brick wall.

Have you tried it out?  What are your thoughts?  Share below!

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Craig Stewart

Craig is a father to three daughters and works full time in the telecomms industry. He has a passion for comics, movies, TV shows, tech and games. Craig is a HUGE Batman fan and is a Playstation fanboy. He is also somewhat of a Kevin Smith fanboy too. Latest hyper-focus: Slogging through 2000AD and publishing a daily post as he makes his way through almost 50 years worth of comic books.

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