The BlogFather – KFC & The Nashville Not

For the last few days, we have passed a billboard which is perched by one of the exits from our street with the ‘Nashville Hot’ burger depicting a sumptuous offering of chicken.  I can’t remember the last time I had a KFC so, after taking the kids up to Asda to get some shopping, we headed to KFC to grab lunch.

After a bit of an embarrassing moment thanks to my card being declined because I had totally forgotten that one of my cards I only use online because I lost the PIN I was sent before I had a chance to change it, I get our order and we head home.  I could feel the shakes coming as I desperately needed something to eat.

We left the shopping in the car – food first!  Talia and Georgia had ‘Popcorn Chicken’ and fries while Seren and I had the ‘Nashville Hot’ (I also had a ‘Toasted Twister’ as we drove home – taking huge bites every time we stopped at traffic lights).  I polished off my fries, two chicken wings and corn on the cob so fast that when I opened the box for my burger I halted like a cartoon character when they realise they have left solid ground and linger in the air for a moment before plummeting to the ground.

I felt like Michael Douglas’ character in ‘Falling Down‘.  What’s wrong with this picture?  The burger looks NOTHING like what the images show.  Not even close!

Here’s what we had…

Don’t get me wrong – I’m not expecting it to look EXACTLY like it does in its glam shot but c’mon!  It doesn’t even TRY!  It’s like an Elvis tribute act that just shows up in a tracksuit and shades but fails to do the famous lip curl, the “uh-huh-huh” or the swivel hips whilst performing.

I was more disappointed than Kevin Sorbo…

Wait a minute…this isn’t my burger!


I think it’ll be a while before I visit KFC again.  Wish we had gone to McDonald’s…the burger wasn’t even ‘hot’.  Liars and cheats, aye.

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Craig Stewart

Craig is a father to three daughters and works full time in the telecomms industry. He has a passion for comics, movies, TV shows, tech and games. Craig is a HUGE Batman fan and is a Playstation fanboy. He is also somewhat of a Kevin Smith fanboy too. Latest hyper-focus: Slogging through 2000AD and publishing a daily post as he makes his way through almost 50 years worth of comic books.

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