That Fat Boy Slims – The Ketogenic Diet – Day 2

I fasted for around eighteen hours after dinner last night.  I remembered to weigh myself this morning and I came in less than I was expecting – 16st 11lbs.  Yesterday wasn’t bad, all in all and the fasting was the thing I was dreading but we ended up doing it without any major issue and we didn’t really think about it.  I did go over my protein target by 6% yesterday but I’m gonna put that down to the learning curve.

I think the hardest part so far has been eating fatty foods that we normally wouldn’t buy – the mince we normally buy is the less than 5% fat so buying 20% fat is a steep change for us.  Minimising the amount of veg and fruit will be hard as well as cutting out potatoes – chips, jackets, boiled potatoes and mash have been the main aspect of our meals previously.

We skipped the bulletproof coffee today and I have also avoided any snacks.  By 13:30, I wasn’t craving food but I was super glad to have lunch.  We had an omelette each with some salad.  The cheese tasted soooo good.  It’s surprising how it’s often the simplest of meals that fire up the old taste buds.

So, we’ve fasted for around 18 hours… Omelette and salad for lunch. #KetogenicDiet

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After food, I had a sudden drop in energy and ended up having to have a nap.  As soon as I woke up – after about an hour – my head was pounding.  I haven’t really felt sick today aside from one point where the headache was so bad I thought I was going to hurl but it passed after about fifteen minutes.

At around 17:00, I had sharp pains in my chest and up the right side of my neck.  The pain was pretty fucking horrendous and I felt like my neck was being gripped in a vice.  It lasted for several minutes and since then I’ve been fine but for a Scotsman, I don’t need to tell you where my mind went when the pain in my chest started.  It felt like a fist inside my chest just clenched everything it could within its grasp.

For dinner, we had creamy chicken in mushroom sauce on a bed of cabbage.  It was quite tasty but again, I couldn’t help but feel wrong – I had to eat it in stages as my mind is still struggling with this new process…

Dinner! Creamy mushroom chicken on a bed of cabbage… #KetogenicDiet

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I also had a chocolate peanut butter fat bomb to try and it was divine.  It had a weird aftertaste but the peanut butter kinda sorted that out and, as always, loads of water.

Chocolate peanut butter fat bomb #KetogenicDiet

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Overall, in terms of my macros, I have done a lot worse.  I came in at 4% carbohydrates which is 1% below target – great!  Fat was 51% instead of my target of 75% and protein was more than double my target at 45% instead of 20%.  This has me worried as, in work the foods I’ll be taking in, at least in the short-term, are pretty high in carbs so I just need to ensure the meals I have after work are high enough in fat to tip the scales.  We shall see.

Over six hours on and my head is still pounding.  No sickness and no further chest pains so I may wake up in the morning unless the Reaper has other plans.

Terrible day today. At least my carbs are below target… #LearningCurve #KetogenicDiet

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I’m working on having my wife starting her own blog to document her journey and I hope to share recipes on here as well, once we’ve found our bearings and settle on a consistent and effective meal plan.  Accountability will be crucial in this because without that notion, what’s to stop me or us from just packing it in and going back to the way things were?

I currently use Muscle Food and their amazing deals on meat hampers.  If you want to grab yourself a great deal, head over here.

Additional supplements such as Apple Cider Vinegar, Coconut Oil etc. we get from Holland & Barett.

Follow me over at thatfatboyslims on Instagram!

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Craig Stewart

Craig is a father to three daughters and works full time in the telecomms industry. He has a passion for comics, movies, TV shows, tech and games. Craig is a HUGE Batman fan and is a Playstation fanboy. He is also somewhat of a Kevin Smith fanboy too. Latest hyper-focus: Slogging through 2000AD and publishing a daily post as he makes his way through almost 50 years worth of comic books.

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