2000ADHD – A Prog a Day – Prog 27

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Welcome to Prog 27 which features ‘Invasion!‘, ‘Shako!‘, ‘Tharg’s Future-Shocks‘, ‘Harlem Heroes‘, ‘M.A.C.H.1‘ and ‘Judge Dredd‘, published on 27 August 1977.
I’ve been struggling with figuring out how to format these posts in the sense of listing the stories in the order they’re printed or just keeping my favourite until last. Not sure what makes for better reading or if anyone who reads this just wants to see what my pick is and then buggers off? Let me know in the comments what you prefer.
For now, I think I’ll stick to the order in which they appear for the most part an put my favourite at the end.
‘Invasion!‘ takes us to Bonnie Scotland as Savage intercepts some orders that spell imminent doom for a load of Glaswegians.
The ‘Harlem Heroes‘ win the Aeroball Championship but the finale felt a bit deflating to be honest. But now they hit the off-season so that’s it from them. For now.
‘Shako!‘ receives some electroshock therapy.
‘M.A.C.H.1‘ shoots off into space with an impostor of some sort…
‘Judge Dredd‘ mentors Giant‘s (of Harlem Heroes fame) son.
And my “Pick of the Prog“: ‘Tharg’s Future-Shocks‘ gives us a hilarious take on extra-terrestrial visitors. Reminiscent of Honey, I Shrunk the Kids (one of my childhood favourites), I really enjoyed this strip and I think Future-Shocks could become a favourite feature of mine for its one-shot hit of fun.
Prog 27 blitzed! Join me on the next one to see who/what grabs the pick of Prog 28!
Florix Grabundae!
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