That Fat Boy Slims – The Ketogenic Diet – Day 22

I had planned on getting up early to shave and do some yoga.  As you may have gathered, plans to get up early for me generally fail.  So yeah, I didn’t do any of that.  I really struggle to get up out of bed.  Odd, considering it’s so hot you’d think i’d wanna get up and about to cool down downstairs.  Tired Craig is lazy Craig.

As usual, I weighed – no loss, just maintained.  I sorted out the kids packed lunch, made my bulletproof coffee, had a bath, got ready for work and left the house just as everyone had come downstairs.  It was the girls’ sports day in school so I wished them luck and felt gutted that, for the second year in a row, I was missing it due to me working (couldn’t get the time off).

The walk to work was okay, but it was roasting out.  I had a t-shirt on that I hadn’t fit into for months but I still felt a bit self conscious as it felt like if I moved a certain way my belly would be visible.  I managed and, once that moment of anxiety passed, I started to feel good at the fact another t-shirt is back in circulation.

My lunch consisted of the other half of my peppers from last night.  I had some almonds to snack on but didn’t have too many.  The day dragged like a clubfoot.  It was so hot and I felt super tired today.  Very unlike me considering my energy levels haven’t dipped until late afternoon/early evening but today I was yawning my head off since about 10:00.

After a brisk walk home, I came in and opened up my Holland & Barrett package which had finally arrived.  Once I put the stuff away, I did the dishes and my wife made up some omelettes with cheese and hotdogs.  I couldn’t eat it all so the rest will be for work tomorrow.  Problem solved as I had no idea what to take in!

Dinner! Hotdog and cheese omelette #Keto #KetogenicDiet

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My macros are on point yet again and I’m hoping for a loss tomorrow on the scales as it’s been three days with no movement.  I really should have measured three weeks ago to see the changes seeing as my clothes are fitting differently and I’m able to get into stuff I was too big for before.  15st 6lbs from 16st 11lbs isn’t bad but it could be better.

I’m hoping to get my cross trainer back so I have something else to do in the house for days where I’m cooped up or just don’t fancy going out.  Hopefully sort that out this week.  I want an exercise bike with on-board computer and a holder for a tablet/phone.  Could watch a bit of Netflix while cycling my ass off and measure my calories and shit.  Might as well just buy a new house and fit a gym really.

I currently use Muscle Food and their amazing deals on meat hampers.  If you want to grab yourself a great deal, head over here.

Additional supplements such as Apple Cider Vinegar, Coconut Oil etc. we get from Holland & Barrett.

Follow me over at thatfatboyslims on Instagram!

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Craig Stewart

Craig is a father to three daughters and works full time in the telecomms industry. He has a passion for comics, movies, TV shows, tech and games. Craig is a HUGE Batman fan and is a Playstation fanboy. He is also somewhat of a Kevin Smith fanboy too. Latest hyper-focus: Slogging through 2000AD and publishing a daily post as he makes his way through almost 50 years worth of comic books.

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