That Fat Boy Slims – The Ketogenic Diet – Day 16

I had a better start to the day today – took less time to muster the energy to get up out of bed and my back felt back to normal.  Almost.  Today is our official weigh day and I’m a further 1lb down.  Pretty gutted that I haven’t managed to lose a full stone but 13lbs is nothing to be sniffed at.  Almost 1lb a day.

I’m not convinced these keto urine strip test things work.  The colours they decide to reveal to me are inconclusive when compared to the chart on the bottle.  So, that being said, I decided to buy a keto breathalyser from House of Keto after having read reviews and also seeing that a number of people that I follow on Instagram and so on use it too.  It has rave reviews.  I also blagged myself 20% discount by using ‘abc3‘ at the checkout – I’m not sure if this has an expiry but it covered the shipping to the UK as well as a little bit extra knocked off the unit itself.

Keto Monitor

After the school run, my wife and I had bulletproof coffee and I’ve decided I will make myself one each morning and drink it on the way to work.  I think my weight loss could have been better if I had been having something in the mornings to just kick start my metabolism.  I’m in work for the next three days so I’ll see if this makes much of a difference.

We skipped lunch and all I had in the afternoon was a blue raspberry Moose Juice.  It tasted lovely.  I don’t plan on consuming many energy drinks but I thought I’d give it a try.  They were only 89p in Home Bargains!  The fact it contains no aspartame is a bonus and if you need to have something fizzy in your life then I reckon these are a good ‘fix’.  Oh, and I also picked up some magnesium to see if it helps with energy etc. as part of electrolyte replenishing.

Giving this a go #NoAspartame #MooseJuice #Keto #KetogenicDiet

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We decided to surprise the kids after school and take them to Aberavon Beach.  I’d never been before and it was a nice change.  Fairly quiet and the fact there’s no arcades, fairs and other shite, it’s a refreshing change of pace.  We took a picnic – pizza and stuff for the kids and hard boiled eggs, chicken wings with basic seasoning, burgers and cheese for us.  The kids have taken an interest in what we’re doing and are asking about carbs and what we can eat and so on.  I’d love to get them eating as we do but I worry that it may be construed as negligent/bad parenting.

I mean, I feel bad walking around the supermarkets saying, “This hasn’t got enough fat” or, “This needs a lot less carbs and more fat” etc.  The looks we get because we’re making a bee line for the  fatty stuff.  I feel like the other shoppers are looking me up and down thinking, “You’re fat enough, get on the healthy stuff” or something to that effect.  I also get paranoid as to what the cashier thinks as they’re scanning our shopping.  Another reason why I prefer self-serve as I try not to deal with people as and when I can.

We were down there for just shy of two hours and I thought to myself, I normally don’t enjoy stuff like this.  The mess of the sand when we get back in the car, the kids being cooped up in a hot car despite the windows being open and oft-times trips away result in arguments and tempers fraying.  Not today.  It was a fairly chilled affair and I didn’t even get too stressed when driving – very unusual for me, especially when going somewhere for the first time and I’m unfamiliar with the route.  Whether or not this is related to the diet, I don’t know.  I played in the sea with them and we played on the beach.  Fuck, I was even running around.  I’ll probably regret that in the morning, knowing my back.

My whole world 💖

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When we got home, I didn’t feel overly hungry but I ended up having a little pack of pork scratchings and my wife made an attempt at a cold coffee which I ended up having as she didn’t like it.  I made rollies for work – I pre-roll my smokes – and listened to ‘NOS4R2‘ on Audible.  My newfound level of concentration and lack of brain fog has meant that I am enjoying reading and listening to audiobooks a lot more – something I have craved for a long time as I loved reading and really miss it.  This may be a combination of the diet and my mental health co-operating with each other and the loss of meds – day four without Mirtazapine.  I feel like a recovering addict keeping track of the days.  Perhaps I am, in a sense.

My macros are a lot better today, too.  Overall, it has been a pretty damn good day.  Hopefully the next three days fly by and I can try and do something with the kids on the weekend if the weather stays nice.

I currently use Muscle Food and their amazing deals on meat hampers.  If you want to grab yourself a great deal, head over here.

Additional supplements such as Apple Cider Vinegar, Coconut Oil etc. we get from Holland & Barett.

Follow me over at thatfatboyslims on Instagram!

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Craig Stewart

Craig is a father to three daughters and works full time in the telecomms industry. He has a passion for comics, movies, TV shows, tech and games. Craig is a HUGE Batman fan and is a Playstation fanboy. He is also somewhat of a Kevin Smith fanboy too. Latest hyper-focus: Slogging through 2000AD and publishing a daily post as he makes his way through almost 50 years worth of comic books.

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